Sunday, 28 November 2010

Storyboard and making the anamatic

Now that we have decided on a rough idea we need to begin to story board our ideas to give our video direction. After this we will use our story board to create an anamatic on final cut. This will enable us to have a clear view of how our video will/should look. This will allow us to be organised on set as we will be able to devise a filming schedule and what props we will need etc.
Firstly before drawing the final story board we did a rough draft so that we could fit what images we wanted to the timing of the music.After this Hulya went and drew the final storyboard at home. After she did this the pictures were scanned into the computer and we could edit them to fit in time with the music.

There were still a few blanks which we have not quite decided on yet but we are continuing to think of ideas and hope that once we begin filming we will have some inspiration. After the storyboard was scanned into the computer we uploaded it to the Apple Macs and imported the images and music to final cut where we began to create our anamatic.

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