Sunday, 28 November 2010

Dragons Den Pitch

In order to get started on our video and filming we first had to obtain approval from our teacher that our idea would work. Each group had to individually pitch their ideas to her and if she did not think it was suitable it was back to the drawing board. However we felt that we now had a solid idea with reasoning behind it which suited the music and lyrics of our chosen song.
In our pitch we presented our moodboard to Mrs Mcluckie which gave an overall vision of what we had got from the song in the early stages; the things it made us feel and think and our reponse to certain lyrics. We also made a short powerpoint presenation explaining how we got to this point and how our ideas developed to give her a sense of what direction we were going in. (as seen below)

After this we also presented our mood board and then proposed our main narrative storyline idea.Once we had finished our pitch, our teacher gave us the go ahead for our ideas but also gave us some advice concerning past examiners remarks etc. She then advised us to go and watch our favourite music video and idenitfy things which make them memorable and things that we want to achieve in our own video.

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