Sunday, 28 November 2010


So what is as animatic? Well wikipedia define is as:
A graphic organizers such as a series of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive media sequence, including website interactivity.

As I earlier mentioned the purpose of creating an animatic of our music video is a means of planning and it will give a rough idea of what the video will look like. This allows us to see if certain elements of the video do not fit together allowing us to identify and solve the problem before filming it. It also allows us to fit the images in time with the music and to see if the cuts and images fit with the music.
We all created the anamatic as a group and carefully listened to the music making sure it was all in time.

We are using a website called which will host our animatic video. To do this we have saved the format of the video in quicktime in order to make it compatible with the website. myspace graphic comments

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