Wednesday, 9 February 2011


Now that our video is complete we are researching some final details to make it look as professional as possible.
In order to do this we have put some research into the type of music channel our video would be hosted on. As one of the most popular and renowned music channels is MTV we have decided that this is the type of channel that The Killers would want to be exposed to as it will give them a big audience range. This will help their chart position and help to promote the band to a wider variety of audiences as MTV is accessible across Europe. However MTV is not so black and white and so offers a variety of channels for different music genres such as:

As our target audience is aimed at "indie" and as The Killers music is depicted as "indie rock" we have decided that the MTV station we would host our video on would be MTV Rocks. After this we have researched some of the videos available on the MTV Rocks website.

Final product:

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