Monday, 7 February 2011


As our song is extremely fast paced our editing had to be very tight and also as you can imagine consisted of some very short sharp shots. Here are some examples of our editing which was carried out using Final Cut Pro:

In the image above you can see the editing which helped to create our second time lapse which flashes between Harry with strings on his arms to the clowns face. This was created using the slice tool, which allowed us to cut up the footage and place in the small parts of footage with the clowns face which gave us the effect of it flashing between.
This image is the timeline screen shot of our main chorus flashing between shadows and harry sitting againt the wall with no shadows. A similar technique was used as the editing just mentioned however as we wanted the two shots repeated a number of times we simple edited the two shots separately to make them the length and speeds we wanted then dropped them into the timeline and copied and pasted.

The use of overlay was also something that we used quite frequently in our video. Often rather than overlaying two shots we overlaid the transitions between them using the cross dissolve on the video transitions. The use of cross dissolve was extremely effective in conveying the idea of tormented and taunting that the character feels. It also poses the question to the viewer between dream and reality which is another message that we wanted to convey which was made possible through the use of overlays.

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