Friday, 3 December 2010

First day of filming

On Sunday we began filming at our first location- the shed with the white walls. Unfortunately we had not received our puppet by this time and we were only able to shoot a small amount of the video, however something is better than nothing. The day went relatively successfully and we learnt a lot from it, especially to be more organized as it took us a long time to set up. We come across a few problems one of which was lighting as it was very dark on set. To try and resolve this problem we used torches to create a dim light as we wanted the location to look dark and ominous.

We used candles to create another dim lighting effect which I feel worked very effectively. After filming the opening sequence to the video we moved onto the strings in which we plan to show gradually growing and then attaching to Lewis establishing the main idea that he is not in control of his own life and he is trapped.
This took a very long time to set up and in hindsight we should have set it up before we were ready to film as it meant we all had to take a trip to ASDA as we had forgotten to buy string! After this we could finally set up but the overall effect ended up looking quite good

Then we were finally ready to get some footage. The first thing we decided to film was the "strings scene" this ran quite smoothly and we were quickly able to move on. We then began to film the opening sequence which involved Lewis striking a match then lighting the candle giving him light from below him giving an ominous horror-like look. This had to be filmed in two separate parts as the light below him on the candle was too weak. This meant that we had to film him striking the match, PAUSE the camera, followed with a close up of his hands lighting the candle the camera up PAUSE and then we placed a small torch underneath his face which was out of shot giving the appearance of candle light.

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