The main points Goodwin identifies are that music videos are "based on repetition" of clips, scenes and images that create an expectation to establish a genre. He often shows that music videos often to do not have a closure or a definite ending. The video is designed to trigger enjoyment and pleasure to the audience which further promotes the song and video.
There is also the theory forwarded by John Stewart which further extended the conventions that applied to our coursework who's theories state:
This information was crucial in giving us the direction in "what to do and what not to do" and influenced our video greatly as can be seen with our use of repetition and cliff hanger ending which is designed to trigger unique response from each individual viewer. We were able to identify five areas which were important to pay attention to, which were:
Correlation between lyrics and visuals:
The words of our song "Shadow Play" were extremely important in composing the main body of the story for our video. We interpreted the lyrics of the song as a group and created a mood board of what we felt the lyrics tried to convey. However as we learnt from our research, our video did not necessarily have to have a coherent story which applied one hundred percent to the lyrics all the time however there were certain words we felt were important in conveying the message of the song. For example:
"To the centre of the city where all the roads meet waiting for you"
In this clip we used a time lapse to show that time is passing around Harry, yet he feels uninvolved and ostracised from society. This was created by contrasting the busy scenery in comparision to the static position of Harry, giving the impression that he is somehow trapped emotionally.This is a general feeling that we felt from the song and we tried to convey this in the early stage of the video. As mentioned in the lyrics "waiting for you" we have tried to illustrate that it seems Harry is waiting for something or someone however we did not want to give away too much at the start but used techniques such as this to imply an uneasiness and unhappiness. This was the main chorus of the song. We used the same image every time this was heard, however as the video progressed we changed this image slightly showing the same position but with darker lighting and string attached to him which is also interputed with flashes of the clowns face to convey Harry's descent into madness and the way that the clown is taking over his life, building up the tension in the video in correlation to the music at this point. (see later clip below)
In this clip we physically conveyed the idea of Harry's nightmare of being trapped with the same technique of the world passing Harry, but also through the use of string which symbolizes the way he is bound to the clown and reinforced by the clown's face which was a "SAW" movie influence and the idea of vodoo.In just these two clips we have demonstrated the use of repetition, visuals correlation with lyrics and allusions to other art/media forms."
"In a room without a window in the corner I found truth"

The use of overlay in this shot was particularly effective in visually portraying the message of the words as it highlights the way the character is beginning to realise the hold that the clown is having over his life which is then extended in the next scene where he wakes up in a different world. The contrast in lighting between the two separate shots enabled us to create an outline of the clown which created a far more haunting image which conveyed the message that the clown terrorises his life in dream and reality. This used an effect which we also found to be sterotypically associated with our genre which "meets the expectation" of the viewer
This was another important area which required us to understand and comply to the convetions of lighting in music videos. Lighting proved extremely important in our video as it was key in presenting the gothic dark theme that we wanted to create.
Strobe light: Strobe light was used often in our video to convey the distortion of Harry's life, presenting it in a disjointed manner. This was something that again we found is typically used in music videos, for example The Prodigy and Chase and Status. With the strobe light effect we were able to create shadows, and it gave us the effect of juxtaposition between the two shots. This was followed by a close up of Harry's eyes twitching, used to convey his madness. We did use a strobe light on this which created a blue light effect and this intensified the movement giving it a bigger impact.
Lighting was increasingly important during the end sequence of our video to convey Harry's emotions. We used techniques that we had researched from other music videos in order to create a realistic and believable music video.(Click to enlarge)
We used a variety of different shots throughout our video, the hand held shot proved particularly effective as it allowed us to create the idea that someone is following Harry (as seen in the first picture) and also gives a shaky distorted effect. futhermore reflecting the unstablity of Harry's life. In this second picture we also used a hand held camera technique to create a relationship between the viewer and Harry to enable them to see things from his perspective, while also creating empathy for his character.These technqiues are also used in other music videos, making our video seem professional and complying to the conventions:

Another way that we identified how music videos create a relationship with viewers is through lip syncing (as highlighted by Goodwin) and direct eye contact with the camera. We used both of these techniques in our video in order to create a professional video.
Overlays are an effect that we noticed are particuarly prominent in music videos of our chosen genre. We therefore incorporated this into our video to comply with the genre expectation. We used this at times where the music was slower to convey the haunting atmosphere of the clown.
In conclusion our we have developed media products to comply with the conventions which apply to the industry. This can be seen through the multiple use of examples we have shown during our coursework and arguably also in our audience feedback, as many commented on how professional our video look.