So once again we set out to do more media filming this time the time lapse. As the others were busy I took the camera out with my friend Charlotte (who helped me with the lighting) to Dartford town centre, on Sunday. However it was pretty much dead on Sunday as I probably should have figured out, which meant filming the next day after school. The only slight problem with this was that it got dark quite quickly, however we felt that this in fact fitted in with the theme of our video which overall is quite dark and ominous. In this part of the video we decided that Harry should wear a different outfit in order to establish a different time and show that his suffering is over a period of time not just one day.
How we did the time lapse.
The time lapse was in fact much easier than I had expected to achieve, however it did required a lot of patience. It was absolutely freezing cold and very windy so I decided to make Harry stand there still for eight minutes rather than fifteen as we had originally planned and another six minutes in the same position with string on his arms. We will now simply upload this onto the computer and modify the speed to create our time lapse.
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