Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Audience Feedback
Now that we have completed the rough cut of our video, we have shown it to the rest of our class, giving them sheets of paper to write down their feedback. This feedback will be critical to the development of our video as we want and need to know the strong and weak elements of our video. By using the rest of our media group to peer assess our work is useful as they can spot things that other people may not and may offer us some useful advice.

After we recieved back our feedback from our peers we were very happy. The comments were very postive and we are very proud of what we have accomplised already. There were a few things that the group pointed out to improve our video such as:
The main responses we received were:
- The editing matched the pace of the music well and that there was a good distinct change between the beginning and where the music builds in the instrumental.
- Angry scene (instrumental) was effective and lighting and pace of editing helped achieve this
- The alleyway however did not match editing and most people felt the pace of cuts needed to be faster
- Some shots, such as the strings coming down, were too dark
- There were extra clips in the switch between shadows and no shadows (chorus)
- The pace of editing in the forest could be slowed down
- The clip with lip-singing was too long and needed cuts between
- overall people really liked the idea and concept
Now that we have idenified the weaker parts of our video we now plan to impove this, and re-film and re-edit these parts.
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Poster Development,
3) Final


This is the second version where we made our adjustments, overall we are happy with the look of this poster now however there are just a few final tweeks we need to made. From asking for opinions from our target audience, we found a few spelling errors in the magazine advertisement, so we corrected them to produce the advertisement above. They also suggested that we reduce the size of the white text at the bottom.

This was our first attempt of for our magazine poster. There are some elements which we feel are very strong but on reflection some parts are weak. After some verbal feedback from our classmates we decided that the images worked very and we loved the layout of the text and the HMV banner. However we felt that the Killers in yellow clashed with the colours of our poster and also felt this should be bigger as our research has shown the Killers is usually the largest font on the page in their existing products. From this research we also felt that the title of the album should be featured on this page as the advert is designed to promote this album and therefore must shown the name of it.
Friday, 14 January 2011
editing the time lapse
Now that we had our footage we were able to transfer this onto the mac and get editing. In order to make our time lapse effective we modified our clip and sped it up by 500%. We then put this in time to the music and this was completed.
However on the second time lapse we wanted to put flashes of another clip throughout. In order to do this we used the slice tool to separate the clip, enabling us to keep the same speed as the first time lapse. The short snippets were then placed into these gaps on the beat of the music and our desired effect was achieved.
*screen grabs*
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
The Time Lapse
So once again we set out to do more media filming this time the time lapse. As the others were busy I took the camera out with my friend Charlotte (who helped me with the lighting) to Dartford town centre, on Sunday. However it was pretty much dead on Sunday as I probably should have figured out, which meant filming the next day after school. The only slight problem with this was that it got dark quite quickly, however we felt that this in fact fitted in with the theme of our video which overall is quite dark and ominous. In this part of the video we decided that Harry should wear a different outfit in order to establish a different time and show that his suffering is over a period of time not just one day.
How we did the time lapse.
The time lapse was in fact much easier than I had expected to achieve, however it did required a lot of patience. It was absolutely freezing cold and very windy so I decided to make Harry stand there still for eight minutes rather than fifteen as we had originally planned and another six minutes in the same position with string on his arms. We will now simply upload this onto the computer and modify the speed to create our time lapse.
Monday, 10 January 2011
Further Development, Images for digi-pak
Here are the images that we have taken and edited to use for our digi-pak. See Aisha's Blog to see explanations on how these images were created/edited and why some of the images were not used in the final product.

Thursday, 6 January 2011
Digi Pack Development
Although we had always been keeping our digi-pack in mind, taking various pictures on set, we felt that it was important to use all our time constructively. While me and Hulya began to edit, Aisha went off to complete the digi-pack as she has photoshop at home. However before she could do this we all needed to sit down an plan a clear idea of what we wanted it to look like. We wanted our digi-pack to suit and reflect our music video, so many of the images we have played with have been on set, or very similar. Here are a few of our first rough ideas for our CD cover:

Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Layout and fonts
As Hulya and myself continued editing, Aisha carried out some further research into fonts. This was useful as it narrowed down our font choices and enabled us an insight into what our target audience would like to feature on the products making it easier to target them.
Sunday, 2 January 2011
While we have been on set filming we have also been bearing our photographs in mind for the digi-pak and have had our camera glued to us if the opportunity should strike. We had a few rough ideas of how the CD cover should roughly look and also our poster, however we have also kept an open mind while filming.
As we had a rough idea already of what we wanted it to look like we took a few pictures in order to create a mock up.
We also took a few alternative photos while on set and have had a bit of a play with colour and title just to see what will work best. We want to create a "house theme" so each of the separate parts look like they belong together so we have tried to go for quite a gothic/ horror film type of look as it is this type of idea our video revolves around.

As we had a rough idea already of what we wanted it to look like we took a few pictures in order to create a mock up.
We also took a few alternative photos while on set and have had a bit of a play with colour and title just to see what will work best. We want to create a "house theme" so each of the separate parts look like they belong together so we have tried to go for quite a gothic/ horror film type of look as it is this type of idea our video revolves around.

Saturday, 1 January 2011
Planning our poster
In response to our research we have now begun to plan our poster layout. We had a very clear collaborative disscusion about how we wanted it to look in conjuction with the conventions we had found out from our research. It was clear what information needed to be placed on the advert such as release date and quotations etc. So creating the template was not too hard. Also because we were so certain of the layout, we only needed to draw one template.

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